Gubernatorial challenger Ives stops in Galesburg, calls Rauner a “liar”


A Republican lawmaker that hopes to unseat Gov. Bruce Rauner, campaigned in Galesburg on Friday.Jeanne Ives spent several hours at Iron Spike on Friday night, speaking to supporters and meeting many of them one on one.

Ives tells WGIL that Rauner promised to go up against the “political ruling class” but instead joined them.

“And he joined them by putting in a seriously Chicago Democrat policy agenda,” Ives says. “Even the Chicago Democrats didn’t put in taxpayer funding of abortion or make Illinois a sanctuary state or bailout Chicago Public School pensions. No, Bruce Rauner did of all that.”

She blasted Rauner for insisting in 2014 that he had no social agenda and then signing laws that Ives thought demonstrated the opposite.

She says conservatives can’t trust Rauner because he lied to Republican lawmakers and Cardinal Blase Cupich about whether he would support expanding Medicaid to cover abortions.

When asked how she plans on winning over Democratic voters in the General Election she says that some Democrats are showing up at her events, particular “pro-life” Democrats.

She believes that Gov. Rauner is “universally” distrusted and that people don’t like what Democrats are offering which she characterizes as “higher taxes, more spending” and legalization of marijuana.
She says in Colorado homelessness, teenage drug use and emergency room visits related to marijuana are on the rise.

