Governor Rauner pushing term limits for elected officials


A resolution is in front of Illinois lawmakers would see term limits for elected officials added as a referendum question for voters during the November elections. 

Governor Bruce Rauner told WGIL, a champion of such a proposal, he encourages citizens to reach out to their state senators and representatives and encourage them to vote in favor of the action.

Rauner said that the General Assembly has until Monday to take action on the resolution.

“It’s a simply resolution that the General Assembly needs to vote up or down,” Rauner says. “If they vote in favor of it then term limits would be on the ballot in November and then the people of Illinois could vote and decide whether they want term limits on elected officials or not.”

Rauner says the bill in front of the General Assembly would add a two term limit to all elected positions within the state, and lawmakers in the General Assembly would be limited to 10 years total in either chamber.

