United Way and ROE building Born Learning Trails that promote childhood learning


90 percent of our brains are “hard-wired” by age 5 and early learning is a critical part of childhood development.

The United Way of Knox County and the Regional Office of Education 33 are teaming up to launch an effort to promote childhood literacy, learning, and family fun.

They’re building four Born Learning Trails with the first two being constructed this month.

The first will be at the United Way’s new home on Monmouth Boulevard, and the second will be built at Rotary Park on Aug. 20.

The Born Learning Trail is designed to help adults interact with children to boost language and literacy development and to help caregivers understand how to best support early learning in outdoor everyday moments.

A trail contains colorful and interactive signs.

Knox County is a Grade-Level Reading Community, meaning the United Way is committed to making sure that local children are at grade level reading by the time that they enter third grade.

One of the other ways they’ve done this is by funding the Dolly Parton Imagination Library for Knox County.

United Way communities all over are constructing Born Learning Trails.

Currently, the Quad Cities area has 7.

