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Donation Means Historic Rockford Entryway Can Be Saved

ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) — A $5,000 donation means an intricate entryway can be saved after it was left standing after a January fire destroyed the former home of Rockford Cabinet Co.

The Rockford Register Star reports that Jan and Lach Perks, former owners of Rockford-based Eclipse Inc., announced their donation on Wednesday. The art deco arched doorway from the 90-year-old building has the building’s original name engraved and decorative columns.

Lach Perks said in a statement that the family is “excited to support the preservation of this beautiful example of architecture that represents our manufacturing past.”

Historic preservation advocates bought the entryway from the building owner for $1. Michael Smith is one of the advocates. He says the donation provides the support to get the preservation effort underway.