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Illinois Fire Department Buys Back 87-Year-Old Fire Truck

DIXON, Ill. (AP) — A decades-old fire truck that the Dixon Rural Fire Department last owned in the 1960s is on its way home.

According to Sauk Valley Media, the Dodge Brothers truck was built in 1928 and used by the Dixon Rural Fire Department and department in nearby Grand Detour until its sale in the `60s.

Firefighter Matt Schumacher said the latter department is where the truck likely will end up for now.

The truck was sold a number of times after it left Dixon.

The most recent owner was Vern Ellis. He called the Dixon department in 2003 and said he’d bought it from someone who aimed to ship it out of the area.

Years of fundraising by the Dixon Rural Firefighter’s Association now have it back in the department’s hands.