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Moffitt Pleased with Rauner Signed Court Security Fee Legislation


Don MoffittGovernor Bruce Rauner has signed a law into place which could implement higher court fees in Knox County, as well as across the state.State Representative Don Moffitt is the measure’s Chief House Sponsor. The Gilson Republican says he is pleased that the Governor has given counties another opportunity to combat rising court costs. Currently, a $25 fee is in place for each party in a civil case or judgement. Under the bill, county boards will now have the opportunity to individually decide whether or not an increased fee would be necessary in order to fund court security needs.

Moffitt says boards need to have options. He tells WGIL, that court fees haven’t gone up since 2003, but violence has.

“It seems like we hear more and more violence, you know, even sometimes at public buildings and governmental buildings,” says Moffitt. “This would give the revenue stream to allow counties to pay for staff, to get electronic equipment, like scanners, screeners, things they need. Of course, things continue to be improved and upgraded, and the cost keeps going up. No county has to adopt it, but the county board can study it and then consider adopting this.”

Moffitt adds that he believes court houses should be a place where people know they are going to be safe when they visit or go to work.