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Galesburg Council Downvotes Business and Gaming Regulations


Galesburg City Council Spring 2015Galesburg City Council members took action last night on various items tabled two weeks ago, including a proposed business license.

No votes were cast in favor of that license, after a significant tug and pull took place over the issue at the last meeting.
7th Ward Alderman Jeremy Karlin told council members that he decided to go “180-degrees” on the proposal.

“I have problems with the fact of the background check not being linked to any type of business purpose, but in the ordinance there is a revocation of a license for a crime that is not based on business,” says Karlin. “The definition of what is a business is vague. If the business is something that provides a good or a service in exchange and also receives money, that could be any number of non for profits in our community. It could be my son having a lemonade stand.”

Council also voted against implementing additional fees on establishments with video gaming machines. However, a vote was made in favor of restricting the number of special licenses for gaming businesses. The number will be held to five in order to restrict any new gaming parlors from opening.