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Knoxville City Council Discusses Possible Ordinance for Food Vending on City Property


7-28-14 Knoxville City CouncilAt last night’s Knoxville City Council Meeting, the council members held a discussion on what to do about food vending on city property, specifically in front of other businesses.

The notion was brought up at the last meeting, when IGA Pioneer Plaza owner brought up concern about Great Outdoors owners Denise Shepherd and Terry Howorter vending food outside a new barbecue restaurant without a permit.

The council members debated the subject, with some mentioning they should support all businesses in Knoxville, and others saying there are liability concerns to consider.

Knoxville City Attorney Rob McCoy tells WGIL that a decision was not entirely made, but the council seems to be leaning towards a permit system.

“I think the council wants to explore an ordinance, and I will be drafting one,” says McCoy. “It looks like we will probably be moving to the direction of having some kind of permit system to have some sort of oversight of the use of the city sidewalk. It’s important to remember that it’s city property, but what the final form is–that remains to be seen.”

The council also discussed granting $10,000 to the Knox County Fairgrounds through Hotel Motel Funds pending Fair Board approval, and possibly implementing a second TIF District in Knoxville.