City Manager salary increase passes narrowly


In a slim 4-3 vote last night, the Galesburg City Council approved a 3.25 percent increase to City Manager Todd Thompson’s salary.

2015 council documents show Thompson earned $132,000 last year.

Some voiced discontent with the percentage amount of that increase last night. 2nd Ward Alderman Wayne Dennis said he disagreed with how high the percentage is, citing that other employees like Fire and Police received a 2 percent increase. 

3rd Ward Alderman Russell Fleming indicated a job performance evaluation had not been completed for Thompson as a part of his contract.

“Our contract requires an evaluation of the City Manager, and that was sort of not done this time,” Fleming said. “It falls on us and it falls a little bit on him I guess. I’m not saying he’s not doing a good job, I think he is and he may be worthy of this increase.”

Mayor John Pritchard said the performance evaluation not being completed was an error and that the evaluation process has now started for 2016.

Both Pritchard and 6th Ward Alderman Wayne Allen both complimented Thompson on the job he has done, noting the increase was worthy.

Meanwhile, council briefly discussed a $10.7 Million bond series expected to be used with utility tax dollars to fund infrastructure projects. The item was on first read last night.

