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Rockford to receive $700K grant redevelop industrial site

ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) — Federal officials say the city of Rockford will receive $700,000 to redevelop a 22-acre industrial site. 

Rockford officials plan to use the revolving loan fund grant to turn the Colman Village Site into a $65 million multi-use complex to host a technical career center, a hospital clinic, an urban agriculture center and office space.

The project is projected to create up to 305 jobs.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says the program is for communities like Rockford to reuse vacant and abandoned properties and turn them into housing, open spaces and health facilities, among other things. Federal officials say previous funds have helped areas boost tax revenues and increase property values.

Rockford will be able to give loans and grants to third parties to clean up the site.