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Street closures, precautions begun ahead of Chicago marathon

CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago city officials and race organizers are closing streets and urging the public to stay safe during the 2017 Bank of America Chicago Marathon on Sunday. 

Officials say 40,000 runners from all 50 states and 100 countries will participate in the 26.2 mile (42 km) race through 29 Chicago neighborhoods. It requires street closures and parking restrictions throughout the route.

The weekend includes the Advocate Health Care International Chicago 5K on Saturday.

Alicia Tate-Nadeau is executive director of the city Office of Emergency Management and Communications . She says organizers continue shaping plans as needed “based on events nationally and abroad.”

She says residents should be aware of the traffic impacts and safety precautions with so many people on the street and report suspicious activity by dialing 911.