A Galesburg man has been charged with meth possession and obstruction of justice felonies after police performed a traffic stop early Friday morning.
According to police reports, officers pulled over a blue 1997 Ford at 3:12 a.m. being driven by 34-year-old Bryan D. Peters for an burned-out registration light, and driving on an expired license.
While officers were checking for warrants on him, a K-9 unit arrived on scene and performed a free air sniff – allegedly alerting to drugs in the area.
Peters was searched, with officers allegedly finding a glass bowl-shaped pipe in his possession with apparent methamphetamine residue.
He was arrested and taken to the Knox County Jail. When officers went to remove him from the vehicle, they discovered the remains of a baggie and suspected “ice” methamphetamine.
At first he denied any knowledge of the item, but then would allegedly admit to trying to destroy the baggie while in the back of the patrol vehicle.
The charges against him include: a Class 3 felony of Possession of Methamphetamine under 5 grams, a Class 4 Felony of Obstruction of Justice, and a Class A Misdemeanor of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
He awaits his first appearance in Knox County Circuit Court.