UPDATE: Truck with man and dog falls into Lake Storey

An 84-year-old man driving a pickup truck fell through the ice on Lake Storey on Wednesday afternoon. 

temperatures hovered around ten degrees with wind chills around -9 for much of the day.

Galesburg Police said the truck went into the water near the east boat ramp around 4:30 p.m.

Lewis Crouch was the driver of the truck. According to police reports, he told officers he intentionally drove on to the tie ice and as he tried to get off it – broke through.

It is unclear if he was aware at the time he was driving on ice or if he believed he was on solid ground.

Galesburg Fire Department personnel responded to the scene and secured the dog from the vehicle and the animal was transported to the Humane Society by Animal Control.

Crouch was taken to St. Mary’s Medical Center for treatment and evaluation.

