A regular scheduled meeting for the Knoxville City Council was held last night at the Knoxville Police Station. An absent Kevan Cooper informed the board that the documentation for lead water service line replacements in Knoxville had been submitted to the State. The Lead Service Line Replacement principle forgiveness program Knoxville qualifies for is 50% of the initial loan amount up to a maximum of $1 million. Details on the number of service lines in need of replacement was not discussed. Knoxville PD Investigator Rick Pesci had submitted his notification for retirement after 22 years of service. Pesci will be moving down the road, taking a position in the City of Abingdon. A City-owned lot at 207 East North Street – where a dilapidated house once sat, has yet to receive any bids at it’s original listing price of $10,500.
Council decided to table the issue until legal council was present to make changes. Alderman heard a presentation from America’s Best Value Inn owner Pete Patel and son Akash. The hotel owners submitted a commercial building and facade renovation program request TIF application. In addition to interior remodeling, Patel informed the council of parking lot, exterior door, and lighting renovation plans. The three projects cost would total $67,619 – the TIF application was for the maximum allowance of $40,000. Reminding alderman that America’s Best is the sole hotel in Knoxville, Mayor Dennis Maurer informed the Patels the City would approve 75% – totaling $33,025.
Mayor Dennis Maurer during his report, informed the council the City water department had been updated for disaster preparedness measures. He also updated alderman on Mathew and Sara Hanson’s progress. The Hansons plan to open a micro-brewery in town to sell craft beer to area businesses and are in search of an establishment to do so. Maurer plans to revisit city ordinances on manufacturing and distributing craft brew – and wants to talk to other communities with similar ordinances.