For the second time this year a Galesburg bar was cited for violating the liquor ordinance by allowing patrons to smoke inside.
On Sunday morning at around 1:45 police officers performed a bar check on Uptown Bar and Grill on N. Chambers Street.
According to police reports officers found three individuals who were smoking inside: a woman in the foyer, another woman by the bathrooms, and a man by the pool tables. Allegedly the women told officers they believed they were allowed to smoke inside. According to them a lot of people were doing it.
Officers advised the bar’s owner, Steven “Champ” Coleman II, of the discovery. Allegedly Coleman was argumentative and yelled at officers during the interaction.
It was noted in the police reports that Coleman made it clear to officers he didn’t believe he was capable of controlling patrons in his bar, and didn’t feel he should be held responsible for them. He was allegedly told by officers that this is not an issue that any other bar in town has.
After officers left the building, Coleman went outside and apologized before allegedly arguing with them again.
It was also noted that officers saw cigarette butts on the floor and a small baggie of loose plant material.
The three smokers were cited for smoking indoors while Coleman received a citation for permitting smoking in a licensed business.
Officers recommended the report go before the Liquor Control Commission.
Last week Coleman appeared before the Liquor Commissioner and Mayor John Pritchard for the violation that occurred January 14th. He asked for a continuance, which was scheduled for Wednesday, March 7th.
That violation too was for patrons smoking indoors.