Chicago suburb high school trains next generation of welders

ELGIN, Ill. (AP) – A high school in the Chicago suburb of Elgin is making it easier for young welders to find work post-graduation.

Elgin High School is now one of three schools nationwide to offer a welding lab that doubles as an accredited testing facility. The (Elgin) Courier-News reports the program allows students and community members to earn the welding certification needed to snag jobs in the industry.

The school’s welding lab also received a $350,000 makeover that included new welding booths and equipment.

Nick Moran is a welding instructor at the school. He says the upgrades to the school’s technical program address the need for new welders. He says hundreds of thousands more welders need to be trained and employed by 2025 if the U.S. wants to stay globally competitive.

