Galesburg City Council bids out Park Plaza project again


Galesburg City Council bid out the Park Plaza project for the second time Monday night after the last round of bids came in over budget.

Aldermen voted 7-0 to bid out the project with specifications that anticipate the entire project costing around $1.5 million.

The scope of the project includes making the plaza an entirely level surface, install new sidewalks, lighting, water wall, restrooms and a reconfigured Parking Lot E, which is just south.

Director of Planning and Public Works Wayne Carl says the West Theater demolition was covered under a separate bid and that project is on-going.

“Four driveways in there now, there will just be two, so they’ll be able to drive around there,” Carl told Aldermen. “We’ll have 12 additional spaces from what we have right now. In addition to that, we’re going to redo the Park Plaza area with some lighting and benching, fill in the bowl area – make that a level concrete area, and also put in public restrooms. There will also be a camera in that park. We’ve had some problems with vandalism in the past.”

About $1 million of the project is being funded by 2016 GO bonds, $160,000 from utility tax funds and $320,000 from TIF IV, a TIF district that typically brings in more revenue than TIF II, which the Plaza is in.

