Six attorneys from all around the 9th Judicial Circuit have applied to fill the remainder of Judge Paul Mangieri’s term on the bench, when he retires on July 3.
The six who have applied are; Elizabeth Duvall and Emily Sutton of of Macomb, Andrewe Johnson of Canton, Patrick Egan and Bob Lindstrom of Galesburg and Scott McClintock of Monmouth.
Lindstrom, a 20-year member of the Galesburg 205 School Board, has the most legal experience of the applicants; having been practicing for 45 years.
McClintock has served stints as Assistant State’s Attorney in Warren County, State’s Attorney in Henderson County and currently is with Clark, Glasgow, McClintock in Monmouth.
He’s also the son of former Chief Judge, Greg McClintock.
Patrick Egan of Galesburg is the least experienced of the applicants.
He works out of the Mustain Law Offices, and has experience in bankruptcy, personal injury, insurance and litigation cases.