The Monmouth City Council has approved a development agreement with Love’s Travel Stops
The agreement states that Love’s will fund water and sewer extensions, roadway improvements, and assist with costs associated with the establishment of the business district on the south side of town.
With the establishment of the business district, the city will be allowed to impose additional sales taxes. Those additional taxes will be used to reimburse Love’s for the qualified expenses they incurred during the development process.
The ordinance was passed and a public hearing on formally establishing the district was scheduled for July 15th.
In other action, the former Hardee’s on Main Street in Monmouth could be getting a new life as a drive-through convenience store.
According to the city council summary, a request from Niko Aliu, the current owner of Maple City Family Restaurant, was made to open a convenience store with drive-through capabilities that would sell a wide range of products to consumers, including alcohol.
The application states the establishment would be named Leo’s Drive Through Convenience Store.
The City Council approved the authorization of the city attorney to draft an ordinance expanding the number of Class 4 liquor licenses, allowing for the sale of packaged liquor.
The Council also approved a partnership with Midwest Bank for the utilization of restricted TIF funds to rehabilitate a building, located at 226-South Main Street, as part of a downtown commercial building rehab program.
The partnership is to address masonry and water infiltration into the building, which currently makes it unable to be occupied.
Additionally, the council approved an agreement with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees union for a three-year contract with a 2.25-percent cost of living increase.