A public meeting is being held tonight about the City of Galesburg’s plan to extend the walking and biking path around Lake Storey to actually go around the entire lake.
A public meeting is being held this afternoon at City Hall from four to six p-m to gather public input on the plan, though City Parks and Rec Director Tony Oligney-Estill tells WGIL the plan has already taken shape a few times and targets South Lake Storey Road.
“The project that we’re proposing would actually be a South Lake Storey Road multi-use bike path/walking path. That would connect from West Lake Storey Road where the path starts and ends all the way to Route 150 and then go north a little bit then [cross 150] over to Lincoln Park.”
He tells WGIL that the plan would help fulfill a city mission.
“We did our Park and Rec Master Plan a couple of years ago and one of the big things that came out of the community survey — just the feedback that we received — is that this community wanted to see more walking and bike paths. And so, completing the loop around Lake Storey is a good beginning. But, it’s just a start.”
Oligney-Estill says the city is applying for a state Department of Transportation grant to pay for the work.
The city has tried unsuccessfully in the past to apply for the state grant to pay for extending the path, but Oligney-Estill says he’s more optimistic this time the money will be awarded.
The public input session on the Lake Storey path extension is from four to 6:00 p.m. at City Hall inside council chambers.