Congresswoman Cheri Bustos on Friday announced nearly $4 million in federal grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Continuum of Care (CoC) program.
The program is designed to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness and to provide services necessary to help such individuals move into transitional and permanent housing with the goal of long-term stability.
Bustos said, “Access to affordable and reliable housing is crucial for Illinois families….I’ll continue to do everything in my power to support the efforts of these organizations who work to address this critical issue each day in our communities.”
CoC is designed to promote community-wide planning and strategic use of resources to address homelessness and allow each community to tailor its programs to the strengths and challenges in assisting homeless individuals and families within that community.
CoC funds may be used for projects under five categories: permanent housing, transitional housing, supportive services only, homeless management information systems (HMIS) and homelessness prevention.
Some of the recipients include: Dream Center of Peoria receiving $91,000; Goodwill Industries of Central Illinois receiving $172,000; the Heart of Illinois United Way receiving nearly $300,000; the Housing Authority of Henry County receiving $71,000.