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Help Eliminate Lead Program grant informational meeting for landlords Wednesday


The City of Galesburg, on Wednesday, will be providing an informational meeting regarding the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Help Eliminate Lead Program, or HELP, a grant for landlords.

The session will be held in Council Chambers.
All landlords are encouraged to attend and learn how their rental units may qualify for the grant funds.

Priority is given to households with children under six with elevated blood lead levels, children under six, pregnant women and/or children, and households where children under six frequently visit.

Properties will need to be located in Galesburg city limits, built prior to 1978 and have lead-based paint hazards in order to be considered for this program.

Applicants who are unsure if their home or rental unit have lead-based paint hazards, or if they meet program criteria are encouraged to submit an application for review.

Additional funding will include Healthy Homes Supplemental Funding.

These funds will be used to enhance, expand, and strengthen activities that reduce significant housing-related health and safety hazards.

Applications are available on the City’s website and at City Hall.
The meeting tomorrow will be held at 5:30 p.m.