Much Of Parks And Recreation Open Now In Galesburg


With Phase IV having been implemented last Friday, many of the City of Galesburg Parks and Recreation Department facilities are running at full or near full strength. Parks and Rec director Tony Oligney-Estill joined Tom Meredith and

Wilson, Ocie E. “Dottie”


Ocie (Dottie to some family and friends) Edmonds Wilson, 95, went home to be with the Lord June 27, 2020, at Marigold Rehab and Health Care Center.

Snelling, George L. Jr.


George Lee Snelling Jr., 59, of Galesburg, passed away at 3:19 a.m. Thursday, June 25, 2020, at Galesburg Cottage Hospital.

Peddicord, Cindy J.


Cindy J. Peddicord, 63, of Little York, IL passed away at 9:21 pm, Saturday, June 27, 2020, at OSF Holy Family Medical Center, Monmouth, IL.

Fitzgibbon, Joan K.

Joan K. Fitzgibbon, 79, of Avon, IL passed away Thursday, June 25, 2020, at St. Francis Medical Center Peoria, IL.