Dist. #205 approves bid documents for continued renovation work at high school


School Board members for District 205 on Monday approved the bid documents for the third phase of the high school renovation work.

The third phase of the renovation includes the high school auditorium redesign as well as the new addition of the band and choral space.

“So everything from the back wall of the auditorium, which you presented earlier, to the west is being bid in Phase Three,” said Brian Archibald with Legat Architects at the meeting. “In addition to that, you’re bidding the corridor connection and the band and choir addition in the front of the building.”

Lee Marbach with Russell Construction told the board that they were targeting a winter completion time, meaning space could be available to students by the start of the spring semester.

It is expected that the bid package will cost around $5 million but the district won’t have definite numbers until bids are returned.

In addition, the board approved the bid documents for Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment for the redesigned high school.

The District’s Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations, Jennifer Hamm, told the board that due to several areas of savings through the project, the district was able to expand the scope of the FFE budget for the high school renovation.

“When we reduced scope because we were concerned about the budget and we had, obviously, terrific first bid numbers that came in, because we were under budget by over $4 million, we were able to add additional scope.”

Added back into the scope were the furnishings of the library, life-skills classrooms, main office, counselor’s suite, several classrooms. The new budget is $1.5 million.

