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Galesburg man facing charges after threatening to kill officer and his family


Monday, June 21st, around 1:00 am, Galesburg Police were dispatched to the 200 block of Duffield Avenue for an unknown disturbance involving a gun. The complainant told police she had been having issues with 48-year old Mario Schaffer, who lives across the street. Officers have had numerous encounters with Schaffer. GPD responded to Schaffer’s residence to make contact. Police observed Schaffer laying in a stare well passed out. They eventually made entry and detained Schaffer who was acting increasingly uncooperative. Schaffer tensed up while being escorted by police to a patrol vehicle and refused to sit in the backseat – that is until police threatened to pepper-spray him. While at the Knox County Jail, Schaffer continuously threatened the arresting officer – threatening to kill him and his family. Schaffer demanded medical treatment, and while at Cottage Hospital, the threats to officers continued. He even attempted to “body check” the officer numerous times while threatening to shoot up his house.
According to police reports, Schaffer continuously repeated the officer’s name; promising to kill him. Schaffer is facing State charges for Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer, Resisting a Peace Officer, Trespass to Land, and two counts of Threatening a Public Official.