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Galesburg man facing charges after threatening customer at Target with a knife.


Galesburg Police on Monday, October 18th, around 7:30 pm responded to Target on West Carl Sandburg Drive after a man threatened another customer with a knife. Officers met with the male victim who told police he was shopping in the electronics section of the store. When he bent down to select an item, the male suspect began yelling at him accusing him of sticking his rear-end in the suspect’s girlfriend’s face on purpose. Officers noted the suspect’s girlfriend is around 4’6 and the male victim is over 6 feet tall. When the victim departed the store, the male suspect followed him outside and threatened him with a knife. The victim went back inside and called the police, according to police reports. Officers reviewed security footage that confirmed the victim’s account and was able to immediately identify the male suspect and his girlfriend due to numerous previous encounters. GPD made contact with the 43-year male suspect of Galesburg via phone but he refused to speak with the police. The male suspect has been added to the GPD’s pending arrest list and is facing charges of Unlawful Use of a Weapon.