Galesburg Police on Saturday night (January 8th) responded to reports of a large fight occurring at Harley’s Pub on Grand Avenue in Galesburg. Officers first met with 21-year old Nicholas Roller of Avon who said 4-5 other males battered him as he was defending his girlfriend. Employees and witnesses told police an intoxicated Roller was the instigator and “wanted to fight everyone,” according to police reports. Roller was transported to the Knox County Jail and charged with Fighting and Disorderly Conduct. Shortly after police were about to clear the scene, another fight broke out between several males. Patrons pointed out 44-year old Steven McGahey of Gilson as the aggressor. According to reports, McGahey left when police showed up the first time, but then returned and started fighting. McGahey was also transported to the Knox County Jail and charged with Fighting and Disorderly Conduct.