Rep. Swanson hosting vet and senior resource fairs in August


Rep. Dan Swanson

Illinois State Rep. Dan Swanson has announced another series of fairs throughout his district this summer to connect veterans and senior citizens to vital resources.

The Resource Fairs will take place from August 2 to August 5 in Knox, Henry, Bureau, and Mercer Counties.

Swanson says “We know that there is a large crossover of constituents who are both seniors and veterans of our U.S. military who are interested in knowing about the various programs and resources available in the community.”

He says instead of duplicating work for our community groups and service providers with two sets of fairs they thought it was wise to once again combined the two groups.

Swanson’s also encouraging any programs or services for veterans or seniors to his office to reserve a space.

Knox County area residents will want to attend the Galesburg fair, planned for Aug. 4, noon to 3 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall on East Fremont St.

There will also be fairs in Aledo, Princeton, and Kewanee.

