Services planned Friday for 3 Highland Park parade victims

HIGHLAND PARK, Ill. (AP) – Mourners plan to remember three of the seven people killed when a gunman opened fire on a July 4 parade at services. Friday’s scheduled events are the first formal opportunity to grieve the deaths of two beloved grandfathers and a former synagogue preschool teacher shot Monday during the annual event in the northern Chicago suburb of Highland Park. Services are scheduled for 63-year-old Jacquelyn Sundheim, 88-year-old Stephen Straus and 78-year-old Nicolas Toledo-Zaragoza through Friday. Robert E. Crimo III, the accused 21-year-old gunman, was charged Wednesday with murdering seven people. Prosecutors have said they expect to bring attempted murder charges for each of the more than 30 people wounded in the attack on paradegoers.

