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Second life claimed in Monday’s fatal crash in Monmouth


Monmouth Police


Monmouth Police

The Monmouth woman who was severely injured in Monday’s deadly two-vehicle crash in Monmouth has passed.

80-year-old Joy Stephens died Tuesday night after the crash in Warren County that occurred in U.S. 34. A crash that claimed the life of her husband Jack, who was in the passenger side of their vehicle when it was hit.

As previously reported by WGIL, the Illinois State Police said that Joy was making a left-hand turn onto North Sixth Street when a Jeep Wrangler driven by 55-year-old Shawn Runge of Morris, Illinois, failed to stop at a light and struck the Stephens’ vehicle.

Joy had previously been Vice-President and Comptroller of Midwest Bank of Western Illinois for 12 years while Jack held various positions at Galesburg Cottage Hospital until 2002.

McGuire and Davies Funeral Home is handling the arraignments for both. A joint funeral service will be held Saturday morning at 11 at Immanuel Baptist Church in Monmouth. Visitation will be Friday night at the funeral home.

They leave behind two sons, 8 granddaughters, and 7 great-grandchildren.