Classes starting this week for Dist. #205


School starts this week for students of Galesburg School District 205.

The new school year will see classes beginning in the newly renovated Galesburg Junior Senior High School.

Students at the new school will be issued Chromebooks on their first day, August 17th, and district-provided school supplies will be given out during the first week of class.

Student Identification Cards will be distributed on the first day of school. All students will be required to carry their IDs and must be able to present it upon request.

7-8 grade students can get their IDs replaced on the second-floor Administration Office while 9-12 graders can get theirs replaced at the Learning Center. Replacements cost $1.

Lastly, there is a map below that includes the drop-off procedure for parents bringing their kids to school or picking them up.

Each student who drives a vehicle to school will have to register their vehicle with the front office and obtain a $20 parking pass that must be displayed on the vehicle while parked on campus.

The school year runs through May 25. The school calendar can be found here.

