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Two female GHS students arrested after attacking a third female student without warning


Galesburg Police responded to Galesburg High School yesterday (Thursday) afternoon when two female students attacked a third female student during lunch period. Officers viewed security video of the entire incident which showed a 15-year-old female student sitting on a sofa near the coffee shop. Another 15-year-old female student is seen sitting down next to her – and then without warning, the second female stands up and begins battering the first female. A 17-year-old female student is seated nearby then jumps in and assists the second female in battering the first female. The two girls did not stop attacking the first girl until staff intervened. The victim sustained an ankle injury, bruising to her face, and had chunks of her hair pulled out. She was transported to OSF St. Mary’s Medical Center, treated, and released. It’s unclear what started the attack, but according to police reports, the 17-year-old female was involved in an altercation the day before with an unknown student. The two assailants were both arrested for Battery Causing Bodily Harm, received out-of-school suspensions, and their guardians were notified.