Galesburg Police late Saturday afternoon, November 26th, responded to the area of Farnham Street and East Main for a report of a hit-and-run accident. Officers caught up with the suspect vehicle on Silver Street and made contact with the driver: a 24-year-old Galesburg man. The man told police he was driving “west” on Farnham street – a street that runs north-south – and that he was hit in the front by another vehicle that was on Main Street. The man said the other vehicle did not stop at the light, according to police reports. The man was emitting an alcoholic odor, spoke with a “thick tongue” and appeared agitated and impatient. The man denied being under the influence of anything illegal. He agreed to submit a blood sample and openly admitted to officers he drank the day before and smoked cannabis earlier that day. Officers located two alcoholic beverages inside the man’s vehicle, and a receipt for alcohol that was purchased approximately six minutes before the crash. The man was eventually transported to the Knox County Jail and charged with DUI.
Also on November 26th, Galesburg Police responded to Yemm Chevrolet on North Henderson Street after the manager of neighboring Tractor Supply Company observed a male driver strike a vehicle and a light pole in Yemm’s parking lot. The driver, a 60-year-old Cambridge man, said he had been drinking at a bar in Wataga and decided to drive to Yemm Chevrolet for the “free wifi,” according to police reports. After a field sobriety test indicated signs of impairment, the man was placed under arrest. The man had a blood alcohol content of .157 and a valid Henry County warrant. The man was transported to the Knox County Jail. He was charged with DUI, Aggravated DUI – No Insurance, Operating an Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Suspended Registration, and the warrant.