Galesburg Legion Baseball hosting State Tournament, looking for community support


Galesburg Post 285 Legion Baseball is not only coming back for its second season this summer after a hiatus but will also host the State Legion Tournament.

Co-Baseball Chairperson Laurie Sykes says the state Legion Commissioner contacted Post 285 about hosting and at first, she thought the project was too much for a program trying to get back off the ground.

Post 285 would be responsible for housing and feeding the five teams that would be coming to the area.

Sykes, along with co-chair Kyle Spencer and Coach Jeremy Kleine initially declined hosting duties.

They finally were convinced by the Department of Illinois Baseball Chairman for American Legion Don Wallace.

LISTEN: Galesburg Legion officials talk about hosting the state tournament.

Wallace promised support in any way he could give it but there’s still a lot of local fundraising and support that will be needed.

“We knew the community support in the past and so we are hoping and praying that the community will once again step up and help us raise funds so we have a successful state tournament,” Sykes says.

Roughly $30,000 will need to be raised locally.

Coach Jeremy Kleine appeared before the Galesburg City Council on Feb. 6 asking for any financial support they could offer.

No official action has been taken but both Mayor Peter Schwartzman and Alderman Dwight White expressed support, noting the economic benefits of investing in the event.

Post 285 has a fundraiser on tap for next Friday, Feb. 24th at the Knights of Columbus Hall with a night of stand-up comedy.

Sykes also says Post 285 is looking for sponsors; either those that want to be on a banner at the park or that would like to appear in a booklet given to tournament attendees.

