Dist. #205 approves lighting upgrade for Hegg Performing Arts Center, myriad of summer construction projects


Hegg Performing Arts Center at Galesburg High School.

A number of bids for construction projects were approved Monday by the Galesburg CUSD #205 Board of Education.

Among them was a bid to replace and upgrade the lighting at the Hegg Performing Arts Center on the High School campus.

Assistant Superintendent of Finance Jennifer Hamm told the district was advised the lighting at Hegg was outdated and not very energy efficient. Replacing the lighting when Hegg was remodeled was not in the original scope of the remodel of the building. The cost for the lighting upgrade is $119,067.25.

Board members also approved summer work projects throughout the district that included new lighting at the Jim Sundberg Field, adding some acoustic treatment to Wicall Gym, and resurfacing the north parking lot at Steele Elementary.

Board member Rodney Phelps reviewed the projects during Monday’s board meeting, sharing some good news with the school board.

“The bidding came in lower than what we had penciled in by about $900,000,” Phelps told the board. “Which is amazing compared to some of the bids we’ve had on other projects. The thing to remember is that 50 percent of the lights at the tennis courts and the resurfacing will be paid with the City of Galesburg because of our [intergovernmental agreement.]”

Phelps clarified that about $200,000 would come from the city for the tennis court work.

A $50,000 grant was also secured for the work at Wicall Gym and the replacement speed bumps around the GHS parking lot area.

