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Galesburg Chocolate Festival canceled for 2023; event will return in the future


The annual Galesburg Chocolate Festival has been canceled for 2023.

According to a news release, Downtown Community Partnership of Galesburg (DCP) has decided to cancel the upcoming Galesburg Chocolate Festival event, scheduled for Friday, March 24, in agreement with the events co-hosts, Galesburg Historical Society and Galesburg Community Arts Center. 

An email sent to vendors said the cancellation is in-part due to “Ongoing construction and ever-changing deadlines faced at the Arts Center, as well as mounting pressure faced by several of our local restaurants, concerning supply chain struggles, staffing, and already busy schedules.” The heads of each organization, which include Kate Bullis, Debra Sugai, and Tuesday Cetin, agreed that an event, promoted as gala-styled, would be difficult to achieve in the current environment. 

The news release says DCP and the Galesburg Historical Society look forward to hosting the event in the future, having stated in the email sent to vendors, “It will all be worth it to see the completed renovation (of the Arts Center) that will allow for community utilization time and time again.” 

Festival-goers who previously purchased tickets online have already been refunded in full. The next Chocolate Festival will showcase the completion of the renovated and overhauled Galesburg Historical Society Museum, which is located in the Galesburg Community Arts Center at 349 E. Main St. in downtown Galesburg. 

For more information about DCP or Galesburg Community Arts Center, please visit their websites: and, respectively. For more information about Galesburg Historical Society, please visit Galesburg Historical Society, INC on Facebook.