District #205 School Board rethinking facility rental fees

The Galesburg School Board is looking into changes to the district’s facility use policy after some issues with local activities groups being priced out of using the district’s facilities.

The board last summer approved a policy that saw the rates for renting for the facilities increase — based on the category of these organizations, such as if they are a not-for-profit or school affiliated. Some facilities, such as the GHS Fieldhouse and Wicall Gym, cost upwards of $400 an hour to rent — which makes them unaffordable for several activities organizations.

Board President Courtney Rodriguez spoke in opposition to the higher hourly rates — voicing that the American Legion Post 285 baseball team should be getting a reduced rate, much like the JFL does.

“I think the facility rates are extremely too high. We are pushing people out. That is not what we’re here for. We’re here to glorify what we have spent people’s money on.”

With regards to the Legion baseball tournament, it was brought up that the fields at Carl Sandburg and Knox Colleges were much cheaper. Jennifer Hamm, Assistant Superintendent of Finance said the fields at Sandburg and Knox were not comparable because Sundberg Field had lights and stands for fans.

Hamm also indicated that when comparing District 205’s fees to other area schools and Western Big Six schools, Galesburg’s was less or in line with them.

Newly elected school board member Jake Taylor agreed that the prices to rent the facilities, specifically for Legion baseball, were too high.

“I’ve been to a lot of baseball fields in this conference,” Taylor said at the Monday meeting. “We don’t have a playing surface here that we should be charging college prices to play at. I can tell you that right now. I do agree that this is extremely high. And, I’m going to back [Legion Post] 285 on this. I think that asking them to pay that kind of money is ridiculous.”

The JFL’s facility rental rate is an annual flat $500 fee that had been in place prior and was grandfathered in, according to Jennifer Hamm. The Galesburg JFL was among three groups that were given the grandfathered rate. The other two organizations are Future Streaks and Junior Streaks Basketball.

Other organizations, such as some tumbling groups, are forced to go outside the district to hold their meets.

Hamm said the fees are deposited into an account that is then spent on maintenance and repairs to the facilities over time. Prior to the change in facility rental fees, the money would be deposited into the general revenue fund. On top of that, the district also charges additional fees for supervision/custodial/technology usage and bases those prices on the day of the week the period of the rental falls on.

Board members tabled the policy change to September, giving the district time to research the fee structure and make changes that may be more suitable for outside entities to afford.

