The Senate Appropriations Committee has advanced spending bills that include potentially $1 million in federal funding for a proposed Galesburg community center.
U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) worked to secure various priorities for Illinois in these appropriations bills, both through Congressionally Directed Spending requests and through the programmatic appropriations process.
Funding for a Galesburg community center is listed under the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and Related Agencies category.
A news release from the office of Durbin reads: $1 million to the City of Galesburg to renovate a former school into a new community center for Galesburg residents.
Interim City Manager Wayne Carl applied for the funding in the spring. Both Carl and Galesburg Mayor Peter Schwartzman said they are unclear whether the funding is tied to the city developing a community center in the former Churchill Junior High School. Carl said he’s also seeking clarification if the funding requires a minimum investment from the city.
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Aldermen had previously decided to build a $7.3 million community center at Churchill, however both the location and scope of the project are now undetermined.
“I am very pleased that Sen. Durbin has the foresight to support our community center project with this level of support,” Schwartzman said. “I think this says a lot about the worthiness of the endeavor. Most communities in Illinois have robust community centers.
“We have been without one for way too long.”
Durbin said, “These bills make critical investments in Illinois. I’m glad the Senate Appropriations Committee was able to come together on a bipartisan basis to advance these bills, which will benefit families, communities, and the economy in Illinois.
“Senators and Representatives know their states and districts better than federal agency personnel in Washington, and I’m pleased we can deliver direct results through Congressionally Directed Spending. I will continue to work with my colleagues to see these priorities across the finish line.”