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Overhaul coming to Downtown Monmouth in 2024. Here is what is expected.

monmouth public square

The current design of the public square project in Monmouth

A stakeholder meeting was held Wednesday, October 24, in Monmouth over the city’s upcoming downtown square revitalization project with Massie Massie and Associates.

The revitalized square would include a revamped traffic flow that features a one-lane roundabout, right turn lanes, landscaped boulevards, a small increase in parking, and making the square more compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Market Alley would also get its own branding and furnishings.

The project is on schedule to complete its engineering design by February so that the bidding process can begin in March. Construction is slated to begin as early as May 2024. By May of  2025, it is expected that the final landscaping items will be in place and the re-beautification of downtown Monmouth will be complete.

Plans have been underway since 2015 to revitalize downtown Monmouth but didn’t get rolling until 2019 when design work was completed.