A 6th-generation farmer from Victoria has been elected as the new Illinois Corn Growers Association president. Dave Rylander has served on the ICGA board since November 2016, most recently as vice president. He will continue his role as at-large director for the duration of his term as president, representing all corn farmer members in Illinois. Rylander said one of the biggest issues he’s addressed while on the leadership team is needed updates to Lock and Dam 25. “Lock 25 is now started,” Ryland said. “That’s (a) very big deal. Something the Corn Growers has worked on for years and years to try to get some attention. We’re going to try very hard to keep that funding going. And then make sure the construction progresses to the other locks in the chain.”
Rylander added that he’s also focused on the Next Generation Fuels Act, legislation that would require vehicles to use fuels with higher blends of ethanol. “That will help keep ethanol on the forefront of fuels for the next number of years. The engines that will be developed….because of that authorization – the higher blend of fuel through EPA that’s part of that bill, that will make sure that liquid fuels (remain) as a big part (of the) transportation industry here in the United States.”
Rylander for 37 years tested and designed planters for John Deere and served as the Copley Township Supervisor for 16 years. He has also sat on the Knox County Cooperative Extension foundation board and the Blackhawk East Foundation Board and Ag Alumni Board. He farms with his wife, Beth, and son, Doug raising corn, soybeans, and hogs. Rylander told FarmWeekNow that his great-grandfather got off the train in Oneida in 1862 from Scotland where he became the town’s tailor.