Single-vehicle accident leads to DUI, firearm, and child endangerment charges for Galesburg man

Shortly after 8:00 pm last Wednesday, Galesburg Police responded to a single-vehicle accident near the intersection of West Fremont and North Henderson Streets. A Jeep SUV had left the roadway and struck an Ameren utility pole. The pole was ripped from the ground and was lying across the roadway along with the power lines, according to police reports. GHAS was already on the scene. Numerous opened containers of alcohol were observed and GHAS personnel told GPD the male driver was unable to walk without losing his balance. More unopened containers of alcohol were found in a bag along with a loaded 9mm handgun. The 34-year-old male driver’s 6-year-old daughter was also in the vehicle at the time. She advised to police that she wasn’t properly restrained in a child safety seat. The child was released to her grandparents. The driver refused to perform a field sobriety test or provide a breath sample. He was eventually transported to the Knox County Jail and charged with DUI, Unlawful Use of a Weapon, numerous traffic citations, and Endangering the Life of a Child. DCFS was also notified of the incident.

