Hands send message of child abuse prevention at annual event

Marking Child Abuse Prevention Month in Knox County
Griffith, Harold

Harold J. Griffith, 100, of Galesburg, passed away at 9:25 p.m. Monday April 22, 2024.
Knox County man dies after Peoria County crash

Accident involving UTV and pickup truck
Local unemployment lower than last month, higher than last year

Officials say state has more jobs compared to last year
Man arrested for allegedly threatening school shooting

Police from three counties respond to a Canton school
Galesburg Community Foundation 2024 Turnout Grant Cycle opens May 1

Nonprofits that serve Knox and Warren counties are eligible to apply for the 2024 Turnout Grant Cycle
‘It will include all the bells and whistles.’ Dunkin’/Baskin-Robbins eyes summer opening in Galesburg.

“We think it will be a good partnership with Galesburg.”