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Local unemployment lower than last month, higher than last year


The Illinois Department of Employment Security and federal data say the number of people unemployed in the Galesburg area is higher than last year.

Data released Thursday indicates the March unemployment average for the city of Galesburg went up five-tenths of a percentage point in March from the same period the year before, to an even six percent.

The number, however, is a tenth of a percentage point lower than the month before.

Most other area counties also have jobless averages higher than the year before, but lower than the month before.

Statewide, the IDES indicates that the number of non-farm payroll jobs went up last month in nine metro areas of the state, but down in four.

“Job growth continues to reach areas in every corner of the state throughout industries, creating new and expanded job opportunities for Illinois workers,” said Deputy Governor Andy Manar, in a news release. “IDES and its workforce partners remain prepared and committed to matching jobseekers and employers to find the right fit for their careers and employment needs.”

The overall unemployment rate in Knox County for March was also at six percent, down from 6.2 percent in March, and up from 5.7 percent in March, 2023.

Warren County’s unemployment rate for March sat at 4.7 percent, down from 4.9 percent the month before, but up from 3.9 percent a year ago.

Data is not seasonally-adjusted.