Legislators worry bill will ‘drive out small landlords’ and cause tenants more harm

A measure that seeks to help tenants in Illinois who face retaliation from landlords if the tenant complains about living conditions is back to the House for concurrence. House Bill 4768 narrowly passed the House last month.
Hemp regulation law advances, craft brewers warn of small business harm

House Bill 4293, which originally dealt with penalties for sex offenders in the massage therapy industry, was gutted and replaced with a bill regulating cannabinoids from hemp. State Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Westchester, said, in a Senate executive
Measure addresses rise in AI-generated nude photos of students

Illinois lawmakers are addressing a growing form of cyberbullying in schools involving artificial intelligence. The House passed House Bill 299 that would amend the Illinois school code to include sexually explicit digital depictions of students under the
Advocates underscore need for statewide reentry programs

Several proposed changes to criminal justice system have stalled
Illinois could be 19th state to phase out subminimum wage for disabled workers

Local State Rep. Dan Swanson votes against the measure