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Still have questions about Galesburg’s energy aggregation plan? Here are are some FAQs and answers.

An Ameren power station in Galesburg, Illinois

An Ameren power station on West Fremont Street in Galesburg. (JAY REDFERN/WGIL)

Did you receive notice about the City of Galesburg’s energy aggregation plan, but need more information or clarification of how to proceed?

Here is a list of frequently asked questions and answers, provided by the city:

I received a letter regarding energy aggregation, what should I do?

All residents and small businesses will soon be receiving a letter from Constellation regarding the energy aggregation program. You do not need to do anything; you will be automatically enrolled utilizing the standard rate of $0.08677 in the energy aggregation program with Constellation. This is true for those already enrolled in the current aggregation program, as well as those currently with Ameren for their supply of energy. The only circumstances where action from you is needed, is if you prefer not to participate (see question 6), if you have previously chosen to opt-out and use an alternative provider other than Constellation or Ameren, but now would now like to participate in the energy aggregation program with Constellation (see question 7), or if you prefer to utilize the 100% renewable option through Constellation at the rate of $0.08989 (see question 5).

Galesburg residents are about to see an energy bill increase. Here’s why it’s happening, and your options

How does the energy aggregation program work?

Illinois law provides municipalities with the opportunity to assist their residents and small businesses in reducing their electricity costs. Municipalities can aggregate the electric load of their residential and qualifying small businesses into one, larger load and then solicit bids for electricity supply and related services for this larger group. These bids will reflect the electricity supply portion only; Ameren will continue to deliver the electricity across existing poles and wires.

What is the benefit of energy aggregation?

Municipal Electric Aggregation is a program that allows local governments to bundle – or aggregate – residential and small commercial retail electric accounts and seek bids for a lower cost supply of power. Energy aggregation was approved by the citizens of Galesburg during the November 2012 election.

Who is the supplier for the energy aggregation program for Galesburg?

Homefield Energy is the current supplier for the residential and small commercial aggregation programs expiring with the July 2024 meter read date.  Constellation will be the supplier for the new contract that takes effect with the July 2024 meter read date through the July 2025 meter read date.  Residents can expect to start seeing the newly adjusted rate reflected on the bills received in August.

How do I enroll in the energy aggregation program?

You do not need to do anything to utilize the standard Constellation rate of $0.08677 per kWh, enrollment is automatic. This is true for those already enrolled in the current aggregation program, as well as those currently with Ameren for their supply of energy. If you would like to utilize the 100% renewable option through Constellation at the rate of $0.08989 per kWh, you must call 833-492-0191.

What if I do not want to participate in the energy aggregation program?

Energy aggregation benefits everyone by using the collective buying power to leverage a negotiated lower price per kilowatt-hour; however, if you choose not to participate in the energy aggregation program, you must call Constellation at 833-492-0191, visit the website using your unique six digit  opt-out code, or fill out and return the opt-out form included at the bottom of the letter from the Constellation. If a resident prefers to opt-out, it is recommended to do so before the June 10, 2024, deadline to avoid any interruption in the preferred supplier; however, citizens can opt-out at any time during the agreement.

What if I am currently being served by another electricity supplier other than Homefield or Ameren?

Residents or small businesses currently under contract with an alternate electricity supplier should review the terms of their agreement with that supplier to determine whether or not they are currently eligible to leave their contract without facing any fees for terminating the contract. Only this small percentage of residents and small businesses who previously opted out and set up an agreement with an alternate supplier (not Homefield or Ameren) will not be automatically enrolled in the energy aggregation program. They would need to contact Constellation directly to enroll, after verifying with their current alternative supplier.

What if I am solicited by an electricity supplier?

Other energy suppliers may solicit Galesburg residents and small commercial businesses via phone, mailings, or door-to-door to enroll with their company. Caution is recommended, as these suppliers are not the supplier selected by the City of Galesburg for municipal energy aggregation and may not be able to provide the same rates or assurances as Constellation. Enrollment with Constellation is automatic, and they will not be soliciting through any of the means listed above.

Who do I call if the power goes out?

No matter who supplies the electricity, Ameren remains the delivery company. All Galesburg users would continue to contact Ameren in the case of outages, service calls, and emergencies.

Who will my electricity bill come from?

You will still receive a bill from Ameren with the new supplier charges included. The electricity will be provided by your supplier and the distribution through the power lines will be provided by Ameren, but you will still receive only one bill from Ameren for all services.  Residents can expect to start seeing the newly adjusted rate reflected on the bills received in August.

Why did my rate go up?

The contract with Constellation, which will go into effect with the July 2024 meter read is for standard power at $0.08677 per kWh, or 100% renewable power at $0.08989 per kWh. The prior contract with Homefield Energy was for 100% renewable power at $0.05499 per kWh. The rate with Homefield Energy was locked in during July 2021, and energy rates have increased since that time. The prior contract was beneficial to City of Galesburg citizens with a set rate for the supply of electricity, which as of May 2024 had saved a total of $8,512,826 or $593 on average per household when compared to the baseline Ameren rate. In summary, the previous contract was at a very attractive rate, and due to increases in market prices since that time, the new contract, while still competitive, represents an increase from the prior set rate. While it is anticipated that the set one-year rate from Constellation will again prove beneficial, residents always have the option to return to the supplier’s variable utility rate or enter into a contract with an alternative supplier.