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Stegall named 2024 Abingdon-Avon Class of 1967 Scholar

Asa Stegall
Asa Stegall

Asa Stegall has been named the Abingdon-Avon Classes of 1967 Scholar from the A Town class of 2024.

The scholarship, which provides a $1,500 scholarship, is awarded annually to a summa cum laude graduate, a student who has a 4.00 or higher grade point average, and who will be attending a two-year or four-year college or university.

Stegall is from Abingdon and is the son of Angie and Matt Stegall. He earned high honors throughout each year at A-Town High School, and was a member of the National Honor Society, serving as secretary and treasurer of the Society.
In addition to earning his high school diploma, he earned his Associate of Arts degree from Carl Sandburg College, where he also achieved high honors.

He played football, baseball, basketball and participated in track throughout his four years at A-Town High School. He also volunteered with Special Olympics in Galesburg.

Stegall plans to attend Loras College, in Dubuque, Iowa, where he plans to major in health sciences and kinesiology. He will also play football at Loras College.