Galesburg stays in house to find new athletic director. And he’s a former Silver Streak

District 205 stayed in house to fill its vacant position of Galesburg Jr/Sr. High School athletic director.

Galesburg native Nick Young was approved as the assistant principal/activity and athletic director by a 7-0 vote of the board of education at Monday’s meeting. He most recently served as associate principal at Galesburg Jr./Sr. High School.Junior High School.

Young replaces Eric Matthews, who resigned the position effective June 30 to become principal at Monmouth-Roseville High School. Young’s salary will be $127,977.56.

Young graduated from Galesburg High School in 1999 and Knox College in 2003 with a B.A. degree in environmental studies. He played basketball and football for the Silver Streaks, including being a reserve on the 1998 state runner-up basketball team.

The Board of Education has also hired Megan Pittman-Wurth to step into the role of assistant principal at Galesburg Senior High School. She will receive a salary of $104,369.28.

District 205 July 2024 Personnel Agenda by WGIL Radio on Scribd

