Your Questions Answered: What will the city do with former Broadview, Harrington Home sites?

Sites of the former Broadview Hotel, left, and Harrington Home.
Sites of the former Broadview Hotel, left, and Harrington Home. (WGIL)

The downtown sites of a longtime hotel and a former orphanage and foster home are now owned by the city of Galesburg.

Galesburg aldermen on Monday authorized the purchase of 314 S. Henderson St., 29 Public Square and 91 W. Simmons St. from the Knox County Trustee. The purchase price of $813 for each parcel is based on the minimum cost of acquisition and conveyance through the county’s Tax Liquidation Process.

All three properties were demolished by the city via court orders in 2023. The parcel at 29 Public Square is the site of the former Broadview Hotel, while the former Harrington Home — once an orphanage and foster home and later a kindergarten center — once occupied 91 W. Simmons St.

Question: What does the city plan to do with the newly owned properties?

Answer: WGIL turned to Steve Gugliotta, director of Community Development, who said:

Former 29 Public Square, The Broadview Hotel: If the city is successful in receiving an EPA Community Wide Assessment Grant, it would provide the opportunity to determine if there is existing contamination of hazardous substances and/or petroleum contamination. The results of such an investigation will help determine the options available for an appropriate path moving forward.

Former 91 W. Simmons St., The Harrington Home: The city will maintain ownership of this lot until a viable use is determined.

Former 314 S Henderson St., former residence: After discussion, if there is no viable use internally, this lot will be made available for sale at the annual spring auction.

Gugliotta previously told WGIL, “Obtaining ownership of properties we demolish allows necessary maintenance (i.e. mowing) to happen faster and the ability to put properties back into productive use, whether it ends up being sold or used for city purposes is yet to be determined.”

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