Despite one program moving out, Sandburg president still sees need for downtown Galesburg ‘Annex’

Annex could become a downtown job training and employment hub
Coroner’s affidavit shows as many as 800 human remains could have been misidentified

No criminal charges have been filed against former Carlinville funeral director
Federal judge rejects Illinois’ bid to end court oversight of disability programs

Illinois has made ‘significant progress’ but not yet met mandates of 2011 Ligas consent decree, judge rules
Study: Illinois one of six states with long-term revenue shortfalls relative to expenses
A new report highlights just how bad the state of Illinois has been with the budgetary process over the years. Pew Charitable Trusts found only two states with annual deficits in fiscal year 2022, a record low.
Illinois crops appear to be maturing ahead of schedule
It may be an early harvest in Illinois this year as crops are maturing earlier than normal. The latest crop progress and condition report from the United States Department of Agriculture shows 24% of the corn crop