Overeaters Anonymous lends support for those with eating disorders

oaOvereaters Anoymous is 12-step program that offers a solution for overeating or any kind of eating disorder.The worldwide program offers three weekly members in Galesburg.

After OA meetings went on hiatus it was rejuvenated two years ago in town

Anywhere from three to ten people usually attend Galesburg meetings at this time.

OA members, Laura S. tells WGIL that the program is important because in America food is so readily available to people.

“We tend to eat foods that are unhealthy and eat too much,” says Laura. “We drink a lot of soda and we are not in the health we should be, generally speaking.”

Meetings are on Wednesdays at 1:30 at Northwoods Community Church, Thursdays at 5:30 p.m at First United Methodist Chapel and Sundays at 4 p.m. at Galesburg Cottage Hospital at 4 p.m.

Laura says that if a person in unsure if OA is right for them just come to a meeting and see what they think.

“Try it. See if you like it. See if you feel like you fit and see if we can help.”

Laura says that symptoms of those who could benefit from the meetings include being constantly preoccuiped with food, inability to stop eating certain foods and obsession with dieting.

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